Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to do Sliding Door Repairs the Easy Way

sliding door repairs brisbane
Sliding doors are great for any home as it can easily compliment any design and is a hassle-free way to access rooms while maintaining a sense of security around the house. However, there will come a time that problems may arise for sliding door owners due to prolonged usage. Nonetheless, with the right tools and with the right knowledge, you can have your problematic doors working like new once again.


While it is okay to work with this task by your lonesome, it can be easier with someone who is capable enough to help you with the heavy lifting. The task also requires a sharp eye for detail and a good attitude for the work ahead. After all, this task does not need to be a boring chore when done with a friend (or relative).

It should come as a no-brainer to know that sliding doors are not meant to last a lifetime. These doors battle day-to-day usage, as well as the harsh elements of the outdoors (if the doors are located somewhere near the outside of your establishment). As such they are prone to rust, damage to dirt and grime, and become plain difficult to slide. You should be even more mindful of the bottom part of your sliding doors as when these parts go bad over time, they will put added pressure to the rollers and tracks.

Your first priority will be to do your homework for fixing your sliding doors; you will then find that the repair process is very similar to installing new sliding doors with a few changes to the whole procedure.

Here are some things to consider for the process of fixing your sliding doors:

·         Prepare all your tools like screwdrivers, hammers, power drills, gloves, and even prepare your vacuum cleaner for cleaning the tracks.
·         Remove the screws on the sliding doors and be careful when you take the door down.
·         Once the door is off, you can remove and replace the rollers.
·         Clean the tracks of dirt, muck, and grime to avoid any further damage.
·         If the rollers are damaged, take them to your local hardware to replace them with exactly the same type.
·         Apply some grease for the door to slide easily and carefully put the door back on its tracks.

This may seem like a lot of things to consider; if you do not have the time to handle this task then better search for a reputable sliding door repair company to help you.